What is Enhanced Freeze Up Protection?
Enhanced Freeze-up Protection brings extra coverage for loss or damage caused by freeze up, damage to pipes, water heaters, pressure tanks, and appliances.
This valuable protection is now available to all R&R Plan Cottage policyholders for no additional premium.
The R&R Cottage Insurance Plan now provides coverage for loss or damage caused by freeze up if you use reasonable care to maintain heat in your dwelling or drain the water system, domestic water containers, and appliances.
It is a condition of this coverage that the water pump or the municipal water intake line be shut off when you are not in residence.
Reasonable care is not defined but suggests arranging for a competent person to regularly check your dwelling or regularly monitoring the heat in your dwelling by way of a remote system.
This change is monumental as it provides coverage for loss or damage caused by freeze up when you take reasonable steps to prevent a loss. The coverage applies to both Secondary and Seasonal Recreational Residences.
Heat monitors include low temperature sensors attached to central alarm systems, low temperature sensors attached to hard wired telephone systems or the internet and thermostats with low temperature sensors connected to the internet.
Regular checks or visits are not defined, the operative word is reasonable. Timelines between visits must be frequent enough to be considered reasonable. It would be reasonable to supplement regular visits with special visits triggered by a power failure, a sudden drop in temperature or severe weather.
How do I Receive Enhanced Freeze Up Protection?
This great coverage is now written into all R&R Plan Cottage policies at no cost to you.
Coverages are subject to the standard terms, conditions, limitations and warranties of the Seasonal or Secondary Recreational Insurance Plan issued by Aviva Insurance.